Technical challenges and recommendation for the future European power grid

Event Details
Berlin, Germany
Maritim Hotel
Stauffenbergstraße 26
10785 Berlin
The MIGRATE and PROMOTioN consortia are pleased to invite you to their first joint workshop and discuss the following topics with you:
- the changes in system inertia,
- the control and operation of no or low inertia grids,
- power quality issues and
- regulation & grid codes.
The presentations by members of the respective project consortium will be accompanied by an open discussion. We’d like to highlight the interactive character of each session, which strongly relies on your individual experiences and views on the subjects.
In parallel to the workshop discussions, TenneT is offering the possibility to use the virtual reality station which provides a unique and interactive insight into the work and future challenges from the perspective of a European transmission system operator.
Space at the venue is limited and will be offered on a first-come-first-served basis. Please make sure to limit the number of attendees per institution to three. There is no cost for attendance.
A detailed agenda can be downloaded above.
More information on the Horizon 2020 project MIGRATE can be found here
Our dedicated media partner for this event is the TAGESSPIEGEL BACKGROUND Energie & Klima. More information on energy & climate topics can be obtained here.