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Integral to the development of the meshed offshore grid is the ability to protect it in such a way to isolate faults while retaining as much transfer capability as possible. Recently, standalone HVDC protection relays or intelligent electronic devices (IEDs), essential for DC line protection, are under development by various industrial vendors and research institutes.
IEDs must be able to communicate essential data for the automation, protection and supervision of the HVDC network. Recent industrial IED models include the IEC61850 communication protocol to foster digitisation of AC power substations. Besides being a fast and cost-effective protocol, the IEC61850 communication standard is mainly focused on interoperability, which is the ability of two or more IEDs from the same vendor, or from different vendors, to exchange information necessary to the execution of specified functions. To increase the technology readiness level of nonselective fault clearing strategies for HVDC networks, IEDs with IEC61850 communication capabilities were prototyped and tested in PROMOTioN WP9. Two distinct HVDC benchmark networks were modelled and simulated in real time using Opal-RT equipment to act as a test environment. We used Raspberry pi microcomputers to implement protection and supervision IEDs that use IEC61850 protocol to exchange data with the simulation target.
10:00 Event begins
Presentation: Context, objectives and roadmap
Laurent CHEDOT, SuperGrid Institute
Presentation: Generalities on protection strategies
Alberto BERTINATO, SuperGrid Institute
Presentation: Focus on converter breaker fault clearing strategy
Pascal TORWELLE, SuperGrid Institute
Presentation: Focus on full-bridge converters-based fault clearing strategy
Philipp RUFFING, RWTH Aachen University
Presentation: Scope of the hardware-in-the-loop demonstration
William LEON GARCIA, SuperGrid Institute | Antoine GHYSELINCK, SuperGrid Institute
11:10 Break
11:15 Demonstration
Demonstration: Converter breaker fault clearing strategy; start-up, primary and backup protection sequences
Demonstration: Full-bridge MMC based fault clearing strategy; primary protection sequences for pole-to-ground and pole-to-pole fault scenarios
Presentation: Summary, conclusion and next steps
Laurent CHEDOT, SuperGrid Institute
11:45 Summary and Q&A
12:00 End of Event