PROMOTioN @ CIGRE e-sessions 2020
Monday, 24.08.2020 | Channel 4, 14:00 - 17:30hJoin PROMOTioN at the
CIGRE e-sessions 2020
CIGRE e-sessions programme:
Thank you for joining us at CIGRE’s SC A3/B4 “Forum on HVDC grid technologies” for an overview of the progress on HVDC grid protection, control and HVDC switchgear.
For those who missed the session, we provide the presentation-slides below sorted by topic. In the session, we shared technical results and demonstrations of the European project PROMOTioN (on meshed HVDC offshore transmission grids) and put them in a global perspective along with future HVDC grid projects.
A full video recording of the workshop will be available for delegates of the CIGRE 2020 e-sessions (login required).
The presentations are also available as .zip-bundles in our DOWNLOAD AREA (bottom of the page).
PROMOTioN Overview - Big picture | Achievements | Next Steps
Philipp Ruffing, RWTH Aachen
Forum on HVDC Grid Technologies Agenda (.pdf 0.5MB)
Cornelis Plet, DNV GL
PROMOTioN Overview & Big Picture (.pdf 2MB)
HVDC Switchgear
René Smeets, KEMA Labs
HVDC Switchgear Introduction (.pdf 1.1MB)
Nadew A. Belda, KEMA Labs
HVDC Circuit Breaker Testing (.pdf 0.5MB)
Arman Hassanpoor, Hitachi ABB Power Grids
Technical Challenges of implementing HVDC grid (.pdf 1MB)
Takashi Inagaki, Mitsubishi Electric
Status and future development of mechanical DC CB with active current injection (.pdf 0.8MB)
Simon Nee, SCiBreak
SCiBreak VARC DC CB (.pdf 0.5MB)
Uwe Riechert, Hitachi Powergrids
HVDC Switchgear: HVDC Gas Insulated Systems (-pdf 1.2MB)
Caterina Toigo, SuperGrid Institute
Alternatives gases for future SF6free HVDC GIS: Focus on PD behaviour and detection (.pdf 5.7MB)
HVDC Grid Protection
Dirk Van Hertem, KU Leuven
DC grid protection session
Willem Leterme, KU Leuven
Overview: strategies, algorithms & interoperability
Ilka Jahn KTH
The open-source PROMOTioN HVDC IED
Frederick Page, Mitsubishi Electric
Industrial HVDC DC-line Relay Prototype
Geraint Chaffey, KU Leuven
Protection Compliance Evaluation
Ian Cowan SHE Transmission
Demonstration of DC Grid Protection: Partially and Fully Selective Schemes
William Leon Garcia, SuperGrid Institute
Demonstration of non-selective fault clearing strategies for meshed HVDC networks
HVDC Grid and OWF Control
Philipp Ruffing, RWTH Aachen
HVDC Grid and Offshore Wind Farm Control: Introduction
Fisnik Loku, RWTH Aachen
HVDC Grid Control MMC Test Bench Demonstration
Ramon Blasco-Gimenez, UPV
Black-start with Offshore Wind Farms: Control Hardware-in-the-loop Demonstration
Matthias Quester, RWTH Aachen
Control System Compliance Evaluation: MMC Impedance Derivation
Yongtao Yang, DNV GL
Control System Compliance Evaluation: WTG Impedance Measurement and Validation
Requirements on Meshed HVDC Grids
John Moore, TenneT
Progress On Meshed HVDC Offshore Transmission Networks in the Northern Seas
Paul Neilson, Scottish & Souther Electricity Networks
Caithness –Moray –Shetland (CMS): Multi-terminal subsea HVDC in the north of Scotland
Phillip Tünnerhoff, Amprion
EUROBAR - European Offshore Busbar Concept