
Deliverable 1.4: Report with reference scenario and related offshore meshed HVDC grid topology

The newly released deliverable 1.4 of Work Package 1 has the purpose to provide relevant scenarios for potential installed wind capacities in the Northern Seas and load/generation of surrounding countries based on available information. The presented scenarios will be used in other Work Packages as a basis for their activities and will inform the relevant metrics on future anticipated cases.

Especially when meshed HVDC connections are used as an interconnector in non-windy situations, scenario assumptions are needed to value the interconnection capacity. The cost-benefit analysis for other Work Packages for various topology alternatives are then to be based on the metrics provided in Work Package 1.

The deliverable summarizes the scenarios made available for the PROMOTioN project in order to explain their fundamental assumptions, by highlighting and explaining their background. Further, this deliverable discusses the scenarios on their possible application to the PROMOTioN project by as well as addressing possible future updates.

The selected scenarios cover the needs of the project, showing load and generation pattern of power flows and installed wind capacities while focusing on the Northern Seas area with neighboring countries. They are based on the framework of the Ten Year Network Development Plan produced by the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) and the Modular Development Plan of the Pan-European Transmission System 2050 (e-Highway2050) from e-Highway2050. Both TYNDP and e-Highway2050 have a detailed database for load/generation European countries as well as installed capacities for offshore and onshore wind and other generation units, fitting the needs and purposes of the PROMOTioN project.