
PROMOTioN has concluded

Project Duration 2016-2020Read our Executive Summary on the research findings

Progress on Meshed HVDC Offshore Transmission Networks

In September 2020, PROMOTioN, as the to date biggest energy project in the EU’s Horizon 2020 Research Program, came to an end. Over the course of 4.5 years, 34 partners from 11 countries worked on questions regarding the future evolution of Europe’s offshore energy grid, combining expertise from manufacturers, suppliers, TSOs, offshore wind developers as well as leading academic and consulting institutions. The project took a holistic approach in addressing design, development, and deployment of the EU’s energy infrastructure from a technical, financial, regulatory, managerial, and policy perspective.

Research in PROMOTioN focussed on three areas:

- Linking technology research, validation (testing), and the development of proposals and recommendations for meshed offshore grids.
- Identifying technical requirements and investigating possible topologies for meshed HVAC/DC offshore grids.
- Developing recommendations for a coherent EU and national regulatory framework regarding DC offshore grids.

Over the course of the projects's duration, our experts published more than 60 scientific articles in peer-reviewed papers, contributed more than 100 conference papers and held close to 150 conference presentations. We engaged our stakeholders and demonstrated Technology Readiness in 28 workshops and demonstration events. We are now happy and proud to share the insights and conclusions gained from PROMOTioN.


Please find more publications and deliverables in the Results section.

Executive Summary

Summary of PROMOTioN's findings and recommendations, available in English, German, French and Dutch.

Final Report

Full Final Report on the project's findings and recommendations
(document in English).

Deployment Plan

PROMOTioN's findings and recommendations as a roadmap to 2050


On 21 September 2020, PROMOTioN's capstone event "A North Sea Grid for the European Green Deal" was held online. You can revisit the event via the recordings below and find more details on the day's programme, panelist and shared materials in the News & Events section.

Part 1/3: Keynotes & Project Overview
Part 2/3: Breakout Reports & Next Key Steps
Part 3/3: Panel Discussion & Concluding Remarks




PROMOTioN presents its Roadmap for Meshed Offshore Grid Development until 2050

Deliverable 12.4 - The Final Deployment Plan brings together PROMOTioN's findings and recommendations into a roadmap to 2050, describing the steps required to develop an offshore grid capable of integrating offshore wind farms and transferring large quantities of wind energy to shore, as well as providing interconnection between countries bordering the North Sea, and providing onshore AC grid reinforcements by means of offshore DC connections. The aim of this document is to translate these recommendations into practical and executable next steps for the European Commission and other stakeholders to overcome barriers and advance the deployment of a MOG.

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PROMOTioN's Online Capstone Event, live panel discussion

On September 21st, PROMOTioN closes off a month of presentations and discussions with its Final Conference Day and a live panel discussion on "How to design the future of a European Meshed Offshore Grid".
Our experts will be joined by high-level representatives from the sector to discuss PROMOTioN's findings and recommendations, provide their own perspectives, and collectively discuss the next steps in the evolution of European power supply.

Join the discussion on developing a NORTH SEA GRID FOR THE EUROPEAN GREEN DEAL!

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EU research project PROMOTioN presents final project results

Berlin/Arnhem, 21 September 2020 – The EU-funded Horizon2020 project ‘Progress on Meshed HVDC Offshore Transmission Networks’ (PROMOTioN) presented its research results at a final online conference today. The event, titled ‘North Sea Grid for the European Green Deal: How to unlock Europe's Offshore Wind potential - a deployment plan for a meshed HVDC grid’, marks the culmination of over four years of practice-oriented research and full-scale technology demonstrations on integrated offshore HVDC transmission grids by 34 international project partners who represent the whole industry value chain.
Read the full press release here

Pre-Conference Breakout Sessions concluding

Over the course of the past four weeks, we presented the work done in PROMOTioN in four breakout sessions. Hours of presentations and videos were prepared by our partners, taking our viewers on a deep dive into the detailed research conducted on meshed HVDC offshore grids over the course of the project. The associated live Q&A webinars gave the audience an opportunity to engage directly with our experts.
With the Final Conference Day and the last breakout session concluding on 18th September, it is time to finally wrap up the project PROMOTioN.

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The PROMOTioN team of WP15 got back together for a live demonstration of gas-insulated HVDC grid protection systems on Thursday the 21st January 2021....

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EU research project PROMOTioN presents final project results: Technologies for a meshed HVDC offshore wind transmission grid in Europe are ready for...

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The PROMOTioN programme (Progress on Meshed HVDC Offshore Transmission Networks) has advanced the HVDC technology required to design, build, operate...

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