
Deliverable 1.7: Report on the re - evaluation of the requirements based on results by other WPs

This deliverable lists the updated and evaluated qualitative and quantitative set of requirements for the Meshed Offshore Grid (MOG) that is used throughout the project. The work packages within PROMOTioN set out to address various interdependent barriers. Alignment of the project deliverables is enhanced by early agreement on requirements and identification of the gaps to be addressed in Work Package 1.

In this Deliverable 1.7, the requirements are updated from previous deliverables D1.1 and D1.5, following updates from various Work Packages.

For the creation of the Deliverable a two-stream-step was applied. The workload of evaluation was split into the evaluation of the qualitative requirements of D1.1 and the quantitative requirements of D1.5. For the qualitative requirements of D1.1 the goal was to improve on the description of the requirements and also to improve on the list of requirements itself. Simultaneously, Work Packages were asked to select quantitative requirements of D1.5 they would like to have updated. After a selection of these requirements WP's where asked to propose improved quantifications for the selected quantitative requirements. These updated (qualitative and quantitative) requirements were combined with the original D1.1 and D1.5 to come to this D1.7 which includes all requirements from WP1.